Is It Worth Spending Money on Digital Marketing? This Will Clear Your Doubts

Chirag Shah
October 7, 2020
Is It Worth Spending Money on Digital Marketing? This Will Clear Your Doubts

The emergence of the internet has changed the way we communicate, gather information, shop, pay, and do business. Before 15 years, who might have thought that you could run your entire household just by sitting at home? In COVID-19 times, people hardly prefer to go out. Yet, they are earning by working from home, ordering food and groceries online, even getting salon services at home. The internet has influenced each and every aspect of our lives. No doubt small and big businesses wish to exploit the internet’s full potential to grow their business. Especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the traditional mediums of business have failed, several businesses have realized that going online is the only way to survive and thrive in the current world scenario. That is why more and more businesses are now turning towards digital marketing.  A leading digital marketing company in Ahmedabad can guide you about how digital marketing can add value to your business.

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What is digital marketing?

In simple terms, digital marketing means marketing your product and services through a digital medium, specifically the internet. Technology is rapidly evolving. With more and more businesses turning towards digital marketing, the competition has become fiercer than ever. According to a survey conducted by TechCrunch, 79% of people prefer to shop online. This suggests that there is a huge opportunity for businesses to grow through digital marketing. All you need is the right strategy to attract more customers.

How does digital marketing add value to your business?

You will be surprised to know that once you reach a certain level, a tweet or an Instagram post can help you pay your entire month’s rent or installment of a car loan. Digital marketing has immense potential. There are various types of digital marketing such as mass marketing, one-to-one marketing, and direct marketing. The right digital marketing strategy can help you perform your best on all three fronts. You can employ different digital marketing channels and tools to achieve your business goals.

First and foremost, digital marketing can help you create a strong digital presence. In today’s time, people search for product and service providers on the internet before they visit physical stores. It has become a common habit to check online reviews before making a choice. Digital marketing helps you strengthen your digital presence and increase your brand awareness. Once you are a popular name on the internet, you will see your business growing multifold. There are several other reasons why digital marketing is a better choice than the traditional mediums of marketing.

It is Cheaper:

Until now businesses used mediums like newspapers, radio, and television for marketing. They were expensive and there was a lot of ambiguity about the ROI. It is not the case with digital marketing. Even in a limited budget, it is possible to run a digital marketing campaign successfully. Unlike radio, newspapers, the reach of digital marketing is unlimited. You can connect with audiences across the world just by posting one impactful ad. That is the power of digital marketing.

Gives You a Clear Idea:

It costs a bomb to run an advertisement on the television or printing an ad in a leading newspaper. Even after spending a huge amount of money, you don’t really have a clear idea about the ROI. This is not the case with digital marketing. Digital marketing tools can accurately measure ROI. So, you have a perfect idea of whether you are moving in the right direction or not. For example, if you promote an ad on Facebook, you will be provided with accurate data of how your ad campaign has performed like how many clicks it has got, how many people liked it, how many shared it, how many leads did you get and how many leads got converted into business. This type of clarity one cannot expect from the traditional mediums of marketing.

You Can Compete with Anyone:

Can a small garment shop owner even imagine competing with huge clothing brands? When it comes to digital marketing, yes. Online platforms like Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart sell products of brands as well as local sellers. You can give tough competition to huge brands by providing the best quality products at reasonable rates. Remember, there are untapped business opportunities for everyone. Digital marketing gives small businesses a competitive advantage in the industry which was not possible when traditional marketing mediums were mainstream.  

Better Exposure:

Traditional mediums of marketing have their own set of limitations. For example, if you give an ad in a newspaper, you won’t be able to reach the areas where the newspaper is not being circulated. On the contrary, digital marketing has no limits. You can reach anyone in the world, forget about the region, sitting at home. Your product and brand get better exposure. Digital marketing provides you with a better reach at lower costs. There is no reason why you should not opt for it.

Direct Engagement with the Audience:

If you run an ad on television, would you be able to know exactly who has seen your ad? How many people have you reached? Which age group is better engaged with your ad? Probably not. Digital marketing has advanced analytics tools that let you know exactly whom you have reached. It makes it easier for businesses to reach their target audience. In addition to that, through comments, DMs, and inquiries, companies can directly reach their target audience. These days, live chat boxes have become quite popular. You can directly interact with your audience and convert leads into business.

The transition phase is often full of confusion and doubts. If you are planning to shift to digital marketing from traditional marketing tactics, it is understandable that you will face some difficulties in accepting the change. It may be a bumpy ride in the beginning but in the long run, it will surely deliver great results. Digital marketing is a smart investment that can take your business to new heights.

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Chirag Shah CEO and Founder at I help client to grow business online with measurable result and swift ROI. I have 15+ years of Digital Marketing Industry experience and I have helped 2000+ business to grow online. I am Google Adwords and Analytics certified professional with practical expertise.

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